Springbank Primairy Bedroom
From Dorm Room to Sleeping in Style
Did you know, buyers make a decision in seconds, based on listing photos alone. Your listing pictures will determine if a buyer will put your house on the list of properties to see. It is crucial to show beautiful photos, that really tell the story of the home your are selling.
When living in a home, you can really use any room the way you like, paint walls any color you love. When it comes to selling, it is important to bring the house, back to its original purpose, showcase all of the house you are selling in a clean and clear way.
This home is located in the south of Calgary and the children of the owner lived in the house. With the sale coming up, I was invited to offer my home staging advice to prepare the property for sale. A key element, was to showcase the primary bedroom as peaceful, inviting and relaxing. A major elimination of items was needed, a thorough clean and painting off the walls in a light and neutral color.
Amazing results all based on the advice of my home staging consultation!